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Phd research proposal corporate social responsibility

Phd research proposal corporate social responsibility

phd research proposal corporate social responsibility

Aug 29,  · Research Proposal on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability in International Business Corporate Social Responsibility for a Competitive Edge in Emerging blogger.coms: 3 Jul 19,  · A successful corporate social responsibility research proposal should be interesting, informative, brief and logical. A student should manage to present the essential points of the research in simple words and supply the professor with the well-organized literature review and methodology chapters which describe the research approach and the sources used for the research Applications are invited for a self-funded, 3 year full-time or 6 year part-time PhD project. The PhD will be based in the Marketing subject group and will be supervised by. Read more. Supervisors: Dr D Acuti, Dr V Pitardi, Prof G Viglia. Year round applications PhD Research Project Self-Funded PhD Students Only

Research Proposal for Corporate Social Responsibility | Free Sample

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You can change your cookie choices and withdraw your consent in your settings at any time. This research seeks to investigate how multinational companies can use CSR as part of their overall business strategy, in order to receive financial returns to be used to sustain their responsible actions.

For responsible actions to have financial returns, phd research proposal corporate social responsibility, a firm will have to use CSR as a means to achieving competitive advantage and creating a Blue Ocean. Profitability being the goal of most of the companies, it has been hard to convince them of the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility.

As most of the time, these companies pose problem to the environment by their production mechanisms, it is of imminent importance that they take responsibility of their work and take Corporate Social Responsibility as one of its more important and integral part. Various global issues of social, economic, and cultural characters are being witnessed across the world, and are ever increasing in scale. Companies that engage in International Business IBMultinational Corporations MNCsare contributing to these problems and at the same time, they are a big part of the solution.

As a result, the pressure phd research proposal corporate social responsibility exerted on MNCs to take up responsibility for their operations is ever increasing.

For managers of MNCs, Corporate Social Responsibility CSR has emerged as an inescapable priority. However, most MNCs invest moderately in CSR programs mainly because such initiatives are a cost factor only. A literature review of CSR within international business showed that studies researching the financial returns of CSR initiatives to MNCs are limited.

Most MNCs avoid CSR as it is only a cost factor. To sustain such initiatives, a company needs to cut into its profits.

In this research, the concept of sustainability of CSR will be evaluated on the basis of how companies can use CSR to record financial returns, which will be phd research proposal corporate social responsibility to fund and sustain the CSR activities. Phd research proposal corporate social responsibility such, sustainability is how firms create value and competitive advantage in the market though CRS, and in the process, record financial returns which will be used to fund their responsible actions.

This research responds to the limited number of studies in this area by studying how MNCs can use CSR projects to create shared value, and in the process benefit both the company and the society. The focus of the research is on whether and how shared value can be created by creating a blue ocean or competitive advantage in the market.

To carry out a comprehensive research, a case study of two MNCs that have incorporated CSR in the business strategies will be carried out. The world is experiencing various problems of social, economic, and cultural characteristics. Many people still live in poverty, one in eight people are undernourished, and many more live in unsatisfactory conditions United Nations, At the same time, climate change is a big problem affecting the whole world.

The number of problems affecting the world is just too high, and the list is endless. As IB increases and the world becomes more globalized, individual national problems end up having a global effect. For example, political instability in an agricultural country can affect food production hence affecting the food supply in another country.

As these global issues continue to increase, different perspectives and opinions are being raised concerning the role of MNCs in these problems. As a result, CSR has emerged as an inescapable option for MNCs.

On one spectrum, MNCs are the source and contribute to these problems. The operations of many MNCs demand heavy investment of resources, phd research proposal corporate social responsibility.

As history shows, the operations of MNCs can be termed as greedy because most have made huge profits at the expense of communities, phd research proposal corporate social responsibility, and have ignored the consequences of their operations. Also, MNCs have exploited raw materials without caring about the effects on the environment Korngold, However, on the other spectrum, phd research proposal corporate social responsibility, MNCs can greatly contribute to solving these problems.

Economically speaking, as well as regarding resources and knowledge, MNCs are better placed to solve these societal problems. Compared to normal citizens and NGOs, and at times governments, MNCs as corporate citizens, are better placed to solve these problems. It can be seen that MNCs represent both the source and solution to these problems. As it is, many MNCs have already invested in responsible actions. However, these initiatives are not enough to solve the many global problems being witnessed.

Consequently, most MNCs only engage in CSRS to please stakeholders and to gain legitimacy. Taking a totally different view, phd research proposal corporate social responsibility, CSR can be viewed as a business opportunity to MNCs.

As such, phd research proposal corporate social responsibility, CSR programs can generate financial reruns which can be used to sustain such initiatives Korngold, Examples of MNCs that have incorporated CSR as part of their of business strategy so as to sustain their responsible actions include The Body Shop and Toms. The Body Shop- manufactures makeup products from natural ingredients and guarantees its customers that none of their products are tested on animals.

On the other hand, Toms donates a pair of shoes for every pair the company sells. These two MNCs have managed to introduce CSR, as a competitive strategy in their industries.

What do MNCs get in return for their CSR programs? As such, the aim of this study is to understand how MNCs can use CSR to benefit both the society and the company itself and use the financial returns to sustain their initiatives. The benefit to both the firm and the society is what Michelini defines as shared value. Hypothesis : Michelini argues that by using CSR, companies can create shared value and achieve competitive advantage in their industries. However, this hypothesis has never been tested in IB literature.

Research Question 1 : How can MNCs use CSR as part of their business strategy to achieve competitive advantage? This question is based on the theory of competitive advantage which assumes that the marketplace is a constant environment neither changing in scope nor size. As such, competition is stiff because firms are competing to get a bigger slice of the market.

The competitive forces affecting players in the market are very much the same Porter, It can be argued that in such markets, CSR can be used to achieve more than just a competitive advantage. Companies that view CSR as an opportunity may use CSR to beat competition. According to the Blue Ocean Strategy, a firm can add value for its customers by adjusting competitive forces and adding new ones that no other firm has previously offered. Such a firm may attract new consumers who value responsibility and old competition becomes irrelevant.

This new market is referred to as a Blue ocean. As such, the next research question poses. Research Question 2 : By engaging in CSR, how can MNCs create Blue Oceans? It can be argued that MNCs engagement in CSR can create value innovation. Hence the next research question asks. Research Question 3: How can MNCs use the Blue Ocean Strategy to create shared value? These MNCs have been chosen because of their responsible business profile phd research proposal corporate social responsibility huge investments in CSR.

The aim of this study is to evaluate how MNCs can use CSR to benefit both the society and the firm. Porter and Kramer define this benefit to both the society and a company as shared value, phd research proposal corporate social responsibility.

They argue that by using CSR, a company can achieve a competitive advantage. The competitive factors affecting players in an industry are more or likely the same. As such, it can be argued that MNCs can rely on CSR to achieve competitive advantage by attracting customers phd research proposal corporate social responsibility value responsibility. In the process, the company will create an unexplored and uncontested market referred to as a Blue Ocean. From their analysis, it's evident that a majority of MNCs, only engage in MNCs because of external pressures, to obtain legitimacy, and to improve reputation.

Porter discusses the concept of CSR in-depth. In particular, he evaluates how CSR phd research proposal corporate social responsibility be used as a business strategy to achieve competitive advantage. He proposes a framework based on three generic strategies which MNCs can use to create a competitive advantage.

A firm can either pursue differentiation, cost leadership, or focus. His theory of sustainable competitive advantage has been extensively used within the field of IB literature Porter M. As such, the framework will be a helpful tool when evaluating RQ1. Porter and Kramer discussed the concept of shared value. However, they failed to show how a company can financially benefit from its CSR programs. This concept is all about exploiting untapped demand, but the demand must first be created.

Data from the website will be used to evaluate the impact of its CSR activities on its financial returns. Urip expounded on the concept of financial returns that accrue to companies because of their CSR initiatives.

The author evaluated various cases among them how Toms and The Body Shop have managed to create value, competitive advantage, phd research proposal corporate social responsibility, and put themselves in unique positions in their markets through CSR. Toms donates one pair of shoes for every single pair sold while The Body Shop only uses natural ingredients in the production of their products Urip, Yin suggests three conditions for selecting a research method.

The first condition is the research questions of the study. The second condition is the extent of control over actual behavioral events, and the last one is the degree of emphasis on contemporary rather than the historical events Yin, This information is important when deciding on the type of research method to be used.

The main assumption of this research is based phd research proposal corporate social responsibility the theory of competitive advantage which assumes that the marketplace is a constant environment neither changing in scope nor size. How can MNCs use CSR as part of their business strategy to achieve competitive advantage? As stated earlier the aspect of CSR within IB, has not been empirically investigated that much.

To correctly answer the 3 research questions, the study will evaluate contemporary events rather than historical ones. Because of the demands of the research, the research method to be used will be a case study. A case study is preferred because of its ability to deal with an array of evidence, both contemporary and historical, and its ability to give an in-depth evaluation of components in the research questions.

With regards to the case study design, phd research proposal corporate social responsibility, a multiple case study design will be used rather than a single case study design. A multiple case study design will be used because of its many advantages. According to Yinevidence from multiple cases is more compelling and more robust.

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Research Proposal on Corporate Social Responsibility |

phd research proposal corporate social responsibility

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